Lowongan Kerja SeaBank Indonesia 2022

Lowongan Kerja SeaBank Indonesia 2022 – PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi (Bank BKE) resmi mengganti nama perusahaan menjadi PT Bank Seabank Indonesia (SeaBank) setelah resmi diakuisisi oleh Sea Group, induk perusahaan Shopee.

PT Seabank Indonesia didirikan sebagai PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi pada 4 Oktober 1991 berdasarkan akta notaris No. 37 oleh Siti Pertiwi Henny Shidki, S.H., notaris di Jakarta. Kemudian diubah berdasarkan akta No. 122 pada 20 November 1991 oleh Notaris yang sama dan telah disetujui oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia (Saat ini Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia) pada tanggal 27 November 1991 melalui Surat Keputusan Dengan No. C2-7107HT .01.01.Th. 91 dan diumumkan melalui Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 528 tambahan No. 11 tanggal 7 Februari 1992, Bank BKE sendiri mulai beroperasi sebagai Bank pada tanggal 27 Februari 1992

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. AHU-0002728.Ah.01.02 Tahun 2021 yang diterbitkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia tanggal 15 Januari 2021, PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi resmi berubah nama menjadi PT SeaBank Indonesia, Direksi kemudian mengumumkan perubahan nama lama PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi (Bank BKE) dengan logo lama Bank BKE, menjadi nama baru PT Bank Seabank Indonesia (SeaBank) dengan logo baru SeaBank. Perubahan nama ini berlaku efektif sejak tanggal 10 Februari 2021.

Saat ini PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia kembali membuka rekrutmen lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Juli 2022. PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia yang saat ini sedang mencari atau menginginkan kandidat terbaik dengan kualifikasi yang sesuai dan cocok untuk posisi penempatan. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Seabank Indonesia 2022 Terbaru


Job Descriptions :

  • Carry out the preparation of work programs, cost budgets, and APU PPT system development programs that are tailored to the needs of the bank
  • Develop APU PPT policies and guidelines in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Services Authority, PPATK and the Legislation
  • Provide recommendations to CIF customers and/or during periodic reviews which are included in the high risk category
  • Conduct an APU PPT socialization in accordance with the work program
  • Monitor and analyse the level of employee understanding of the implementation of APU PPT program
  • Carry out consultative functions related to the implementation of APU PPT
  • Review APU PPT policies and guidelines
  • Review systems that support the APU PPT program
  • Monitor the implementation of customer due diligence at the head office, KC, KCP and digital services
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Requirements :

  • Minimum 1 year experience in APU PPT function
  • Understand the POJK/SEOJK/PPATK (local regulator) regulations or laws related to APU PPT
  • Understand the APU PPT system in banks for CDD and Transaction Monitoring
  • Have a deep knowledge of products (credit, funding, treasury) and other banking activities


Job Descriptions :

  • Check all the data provided (customer portfolio, risk rating, etc.) to make sure the data is correct
  • Prepare monthly AML MIS for Risk Management Committee, AMLC Governance Forum, and email circulation to provide accurate data related to AML/CFT programs to the Bank
  • Review data for PEP customer reconciliation every month to ensure that the data provided is accurate to relevant units and regulators
  • Review the AML system and development to ensure that it is implemented in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Review regulatory reporting data related to new customers and AML/CFT activities held at the Bank to ensure the accuracy of the data for reporting needs at SIPESAT and APOLO
  • Become a checker for SIPENDAR and SIGAP reporting to ensure the data reported is accurate and correct
  • Review the Cash Transaction Reports that occur at the Branch for LTKT Reporting to ensure compliance with reports to regulators is carried out in accordance with the provisions

Requirements :

  • Minimum 2+ years experience in APU PPT function
  • Mastering the implementation of GCG, internal control in banking and having knowledge in the field of Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorist Financing
  • Able to write effectively: clear and easy to understand, coherent, and correct basis (error free)


Job Descriptions :

  • Develop and examine the APU PPT reporting system initiated by the Regulator to ensure the reporting system complies with the provisions
  • Analyze transactions that are suspected of being unreasonable based on the results of escalation of Branch Offices and other work units to be followed up in accordance with the provisions
  • Submit LTKM and LAM to PPATK on transactions that meet applicable criteria/conditions to fulfill reporting obligations to regulators
  • Carry out administration (documentation) of the results of the analysis and reports that have been submitted to ensure archived documentation is in accordance with applicable standards
  • Compile and collect data for LTMK and LAM reporting needs to ensure correct and accurate reporting needs data
  • Prepare and follow up reports on requests for data from external parties (eg. PPATK) to ensure follow-up is in accordance with applicable regulations
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Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Economics, Management or any related courses
  • At least 2 years of working experience in banking in the AML/CFT implementation function (especially Transaction Monitoring Compliance)
  • Understand the POJK/SEOJK/PPATK (local regulator) regulations or laws related to AML/CFT
  • Deep knowledge in banking products (financing credit, treasury) and other banking activities
  • Have a Compliance Risk Management Certificate adjusted to the job grade and position of implementing the compliance function in the Bank’s organization
  • Understand the APU/PPT system in the bank for CDD and TM
  • Have good communication skills


Job Descriptions :

  • Able to perform the calculation of market and liquidity risk exposures according to Basel III requirements for Buku 3 banks
  • Ensure adequate frameworks for market and liquidity measurements including management and regulatory requirements
  • Develop a collaborative relationship with regulators, local, and regional risk stakeholders to help detect and mitigate risk related to the movement in the market and its impacts on market and liquidity risk
  • Ensure all policies and procedures in the country are complied with and ensure proper and updated documentation is in place for in-country policies and procedures
  • Proactive in seeking regular assurance that areas of responsibility are performing to an acceptable risk and control standards and address control weaknesses note in an appropriate timeframe or escalated through the relevant committees
  • Ensure that effective management response plans are in place to respond to extreme but plausible stress scenarios in the country
  • Recommend changes to the process control environment or to business practices, where necessary, to reduce the level of risk exposure within the agreed appetite
  • Balance business performance delivery and cost management with risk and control matters to ensure that it does not materially threaten the Bank, while remaining within risk appetite
  • Lead and drive standardisation, automation, and consolidation through re-engineering and process improvement initiatives for the country market and liquidity risk management
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Requirements :

  • 5+ years in banking (minimum 3 years in Market & Liquidity Risk)
  • Proficient in Market and Liquidity Risk measurement (EVE, VaR, LCR, NSFR, IRRBB, etc.), stress test, and Balance Sheet management
  • Experience in managing project and multiple stakeholders
  • Have practical knowledge on data/report automation and SDLC.
  • Preferably (not mandatory) having experience in data query language (SQL) and BI tools


Job Descriptions :

  • Coordinate the implementation of credit risk strategy policies
  • Provide assistance in credit risk stress testing calculations, retail banking portfolio analysis and reporting to senior management
  • Good team player and able to work together with senior credit risk team lead and show cooperative behaviour with related parties
  • Good project management skills
  • Able to implement logical thinking and result oriented

Requirements :

  • 2-3 years working on related fields
  • Mastering the provisions of BI, OJK, and applicable laws and regulations related to the Bank’s business activities
  • Experience in the field of internal control, procedures, systems, operations, and risk management
  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Good verbal and written communication skills


Job Descriptions :

  • Assist the development of regulatory compliance program
  • Conduct compliance analysis to ensure the effectiveness, adequacy, and conformity of policies, regulations, systems, and procedures as well as Bank activities with the provisions of the
  • Financial Services Authority, Bank Indonesia and the prevailing laws and regulations
  • Collaborate with relevant divisions and departments to ensure corrective and corrective actions are implemented for identified issues
  • Evaluate the design and operational effectiveness of the regulatory compliance control framework
  • Following up on issues to monitor and ensure that the action plan has been implemented effectively in order to mitigate the compliance risks identified in the issue.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably majoring in Economics, Management, or Law
  • Experience in Banking/Financial Services/Fintech industries
  • Has adequate knowledge and experience regarding banking products and activities including the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations


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